Thursday, July 16, 2009

PFD (life jacket) Care

How many times has this happened to you? You are cruising along enjoying your day on the water when out of the blue comes a DNR boat. Everyone starts digging for the life jackets because you know that will be the first thing they want to see. How many times have you pulled out a PFD that is worn, torn, or mildewed? It is true that PFD's save lives. However, an unserviceable(torn, damaged, rotten, or punctured) PFD is bad news. Not only will it not work properly, it will no longer meet legal requirements. Remember to never put away your PFD's while they are wet. This one simple practice will increase the life of the PFD. Also,when was the last time you inspected and cleaned your life jackets? Take some time before your next trip on the water to inspect and clean your PFD's. If any are damaged, replace them. It may save you a fine. Better yet, it may SAVE A LIFE!

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